Worn shanks can cause several problems for you. When a jeweler says shank, they mean the band of your ring located at the bottom. If your ring’s shank is too thin, it can cause your ring to bend, break, and crack. Rings that have become bent, depending on the thickness of the shank, can be rounded out without any soldering required. However, if there is a crack in the shank, you will need to have the shank soldered. If the right amount of pressure is applied, your rings can also break at weak points in the ring. These weak areas are usually from the shank being too thin. Below, we will explain some ways for you to avoid these scenarios with your jewelry.
This is a picture of a ring that has a worn shank. This occurs over time from everyday wear. Fortunately, this is something that can be repaired! You can have your rings back to the condition they were when you purchased them by having the shanks rebuilt. In this process, we remove the worn piece and replace it with an entirely new piece.
Here are some tips to prevent your jewelry from cracking, breaking, and becoming too thin: